Kyle’s videography
Taking pictures of instruments for the website Kyle came to work on the documentary he is making of Don's violin making. While he was here he helped by taking pictures…
Taking pictures of instruments for the website Kyle came to work on the documentary he is making of Don's violin making. While he was here he helped by taking pictures…
Don has been helping John make his own varnish, but when he got to the process of cooking it to a high temperature, his neighbor called the fire department, and…
Don demonstrated making a violin in all the stages, and Karen demonstrated what a judge or buyer looks for in an insturment. The ladies seemed interested and impressed.
Sal posted this picture of him in a recording studio playin Don's violin #42. To bad there's no sound.
John Root came to show Don his viola, that he is making. Don has been mentor for John over the years. He's a young teacher with a family of 3…
Don is currently varnishing Viola #51, but the rainy weather, which we really need, is slowing down the process. At the sametime he is starting to make Cello #52. So…
Yesterday, we had our friends from San Luis Chamber Orchestra, Patty and Linda, come here, to have Don put on new strings on their violin and viola. What a fun…